Welcome To The Zoo, The Museums, The Educational Edifices And A Host of Handy Hotlinks
London Zoo has ‘one of the most comprehensive animal collections in the world’ and the largest zoological library anywhere on earth. It is administered by the Zoological Society of London. After opening in 1828, its initial collections were augmented by the additions of the royal menagerie from the Queen’s favourite bolthole, Windsor, in 1830 and the menagerie from the Tower of London soon afterwards. Two by two, four by four, truckload after truckload of the poor things – “just stuff ‘em in there, throw in some straw and water and they’ll be fine”.
The world’s first reptile house opened here in 1849 and the first public aquarium in 1853. The zoo was severely affected during WW2, when most of the animals were either killed, moved, or, ahem, eaten.
In 1955, a reconstruction program started, and within 10 years, a footbridge, the Elephant and Rhino Pavilion, a walk-through Aviary, and an Animal Hospital had been built. A Pavilion for small mammals followed in 1967. Then a Pavilion for apes, monkeys and naughty schoolboys was added In 1972.

The 36-acre (15-hectare) zoo exhibits thousands of specimens. It has successfully bred and (let’s be honest about the economics of ecology here) SOLD Père David’s Deer, Pygmy Hippopotami, Musk Ox, Giraffes, Chilean Flamingos, and exhibited critically endangered Polar Bears*…
*until the poor bears started exhibiting symptoms of neurosis, psychosis and extreme psychological distress as they went bear mad in their bare concrete sculpted enclosure. Which isn’t that surprising when you consider that a polar bear’s natural range in the wild encompasses arctic tundra, pack ice and ice floes and covers 50,000 to 60,000 km2 (19,305-23,166 square miles).
If this all leaves you wondering, why not carry on wandering around the circular park and you’ll discover that there’s a boating lake (you know where to come if you want to stick your oar in an Attic one night) along the park’s western boundaries.
The Attic With Grand Architectural Neighbours

Past the terraces on the south side is The Sherlock Holmes Museum at 221b Baker Street, where you can buy souvenirs, books, antiques & curios dedicated to the memory of the entirely fictitious Victorian Consulting Detective. Elementary stuff.
Further eastwards, just past Baker Street underground station, stands the original London Planetarium and its famous partner in tourist-fleecing crimes, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum featuring poor likenesses of notable celebrities and a whole collection of other dummies.
A bit further along the main Marylebone Road, you’ll also find the Royal Academy of Music (you know where to come if you want to stick your slide trombone in an Attic one night).
We are indeed surrounded by a remarkable mother-nature/man-made landscape as well as extraordinary Grade 1 & 2 listed historically significant buildings on every side. We are proud to have them as our new neighbours and intend to do everything we can to foster great relations and support grass-roots projects in the local community.
Just before we leave you to sit back and contemplate the Royal Family’s majestic ability to get their names on absolutely everything, we should point out that we are really very proud to put the name Attic Self Storage over the door of the latest addition to our property portfolio. Just up Park Road from the Marylebone Road, opposite the London Business School.
Attic Self Storage’s New Home In Marylebone
It took ages to get the place just right. It’s bright, light, clean, green, airy and altogether an amazing piece of modern engineering. You can rent a simple little mailbox or a great big 350 ft2 storage unit, giving you 24-hour access to individually alarmed units, with 360 degree CCTV coverage in every corridor, automatic eco-lighting, heavy duty easy to operate lifts, toilet facilities, automatic keypad controlled doors, a rigorous anti-covid cleansing regime and a bowl of chewy sweets on the counter waiting for you in reception.
What more could you ask for?
Except maybe your own sleigh team of purple-dyed labradoodles to drag you in your golden chariot through a snowy fairy-lit Regent’s Park this Christmas.