Moving house is something we all do, something most of us don’t look forward to, and something that we could all do with being as simple as possible. When you’re moving home, it’s the perfect time to take stock of what you own and if necessary, have a big clear out. The question is, what do you keep? What do you store? And what do you get rid of?
Moving home: sorting your clutter
Unless you’re one of those households that is annoyingly tidy and perfect, it’s likely you’ve ended up with clutter. If you’ve got kids, pets, or both, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll have stuff you no longer need or use.
Make a “Moving Home Inventory”
Begin the process by taking stock of what you’ve got and sort it into three (metaphorical) piles of keep, store and get rid of. Starting with the stuff you know you don’t want to move or keep, split it out further into things that have some value and things that don’t.
Moving house is expensive and if you have the time we recommend trying to make some money out of the process. Old books, toys, DVDs, games and CDs still have some value at car boot sales for example. To save disposing of or moving furniture, sites like Gumtree etc. are your friend. Many people look online for second hand furniture and if you live in a student town, you’ll shift it in no time. Old but working electrical appliances can have some value as can clothes, especially if they’re considered ‘vintage’ or collectible.

Finally, consider donating other things to charity. Some national charities like the British Heart Foundation, or a local charity may even collect things like fridges, sofas etc. free of charge, providing they are in good condition. This removes the hassle of disposing these things while raising some money for good causes at the same time.
While it’s only you who can decide what you want to keep and get rid of, we recently wrote a blog about how to declutter your home which offers a lot of advice.
What do you store when you move home?
Removal services cost money so it makes sense to streamline whatever needs to be moved when moving house. We all have lots of things in our lofts and garages that don’t get used but we still need. Things like garden furniture, Christmas decorations and even lawnmowers that don’t get used that much.
Other things that would certainly go in the ‘keep’ pile can certainly be stored too during your house move. Valuables and breakables may be better being handled by you than in a removals van for example.
It can be cost effective to put them into storage while you’re moving home, and let the removals company only deal with the essentials. You can then get them back out of storage once you’re in your new home and settled.
Attic Storage have a range of storage units of different sizes for keeping your belongings safe and secure when you’re moving home. Contact us or get a quote today.