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Relatives coming to stay

In-laws dropping in on you? No need to panic….bring out the unwanted Christmas gifts & tidy the place up pronto.

Relatives coming to stay

Tidy up the house

It’s a feeling of trepidation that will be familiar to many of us – that impending visit from the in-laws. We all know that means that a good few hours will be spent frantically trying to tidy up the house. Dashing from room to room trying desperately to find a home for the piles of stuff that just seem to have accumulated since the last time someone visited. Squeezing everything into the one available cupboard and just hoping that no one attempts to open the door and risk being squashed by an avalanche of shoes, boxes, toys, ornaments, and long-forgotten homeless items.

Unwanted gifts

And just what was it that the in-laws bought you for Christmas last year and where on earth did you hide it? Probably at the back of the cupboard where you have just stuffed everything else. Finally, at long last, when all surfaces are visible and when all unwanted gifts have been strategically positioned to appear as though they are in everyday use, do you feel ready for the visit.

Keep your home clean and tidy

There is a much easier way to keep your home clean. You can create some permanent space in your home and avoid all these last minute panics by renting a storage unit to home all of those things that you just can’t find space for at home. Obviously you just can’t throw a gift out straight away – you need to keep them for a while at least, pretend that you have got some use out of them and then take them to the charity store after an acceptable time. With a storage unit, you don’t have to find space in your home for them in the meantime.

Just pop them into a storage unit along with all the other things that you just can’t find space for at home and free up space in your home for living and relaxing. It’s so much easier to keep your home clean and tidy, a welcoming place to come home to when you create some space.

If this sounds like you then find your nearest store and request a quote today and make sure your home is guest ready at any time.