Here at Attic Self Storage we do everything we can to run an eco-friendly low-impact energy-efficient sustainable storage business that is kind to the local environment and really respectful to the wonderful wider world that we’d like our children to inherit.
We pride ourselves on providing sleek, clean, state of the art storage facilities that don’t run on gas or oil or coal or have huge smoky chimneys pumping toxic clouds of death into the upper atmosphere.

Lots Of Space, Less Of A Footprint
Take a look at our modern purpose built facilities and you’ll see how we’ve managed to create lots of lovely space without leaving a great big ugly carbon footprint.
The whole building was built with energy efficiency and customer comfort in mind. From lighting to alarms to locks to loos, everything you see is about as eco friendly as it is possible to be. Including the CCTV, which constantly monitors activity both inside and out.
The Power Of Positive Energy
As part of our commitment to all things good, green and groovy, we are fully signed up members of the Islington Sustainable Energy Partnership (ISEP) and they provide us with detailed feedback so we know exactly what impact our energy conservation efforts are having.
They recently sent us an email (obviously these guys don’t waste paper by mailing out letters) with our annual energy monitoring report for 2017/2018. The facts and figures contained within it were pretty mind blowing.

And The Winner Is … Planet Earth
According to our figures and their calculations, Attic Self Storage used 35,787 KWh of electricity in the last twelve months, which is equivalent to producing roughly 13 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
That sounds a lot, but it’s really not. We’ve been given an overall electrical performance rating of 14 KWh/m2 – way below the benchmark guidance of 35 KWh/m2 for a similar storage facility.
Don’t be intimidated by the maths, me old mucker. What it adds up to is in fact very simple. Basically it means that Attic is generating around 60% less CO2 than the average for storage facilities in the borough. ATTIC ALWAYS LED THE WAY
Back in 2012, Attic Self Storage was the very first storage centre in the UK to adopt eco-friendly LED lighting, which we fitted in our Wick Lane, Bow branch. (It comes on when you need it, and stays off when you don’t).
Our new facility has even more cutting edge electronic wizardry built in for your comfort and security.
Through technological innovation, careful monitoring and smart thinking we are continuing to lead the way in energy efficiency, waste reduction, plastic and cardboard recycling, space creation and storage solutions.
You could travel the length and breadth of the country trying to find a storage company that’s doing more to reduce their carbon emissions, but we think you’ll find that you are, in fact, wasting your energy.
Attic Self Storage – putting the sustainability into Self Storage.